You will often find me with my young family on one of Calgary’s expansive park path system, trying to stop my young kids from getting a hold of that goose hissing at them in the grass. The combination of young children and busy lives means our nights are quieter than they used to be, which has been a useful time to get caught up on the reading backlog, and to dabble in home efficiency and automation projects that almost do what I want them to do (some of the time).

I try to stay as active as possible, playing ultimate frisbee and flag football in the summers and squash and shinny in the winters. I am an active year-round cyclist (indoor when the snow flies), and never say no to time hiking, biking, snowboarding and cross-country skiing in the Rockies.

Before children, my wife and I were lucky enough to travel together quite a bit, including two 6-month long backpacking trips through South American and Australia/New Zealand/Indonesia. A certified PADI divemaster with close to 200 dives in the logbook, my major gripe about Calgary is the lack of marine life, but to compensate I’ve come up with the foolproof plan of opening a combination vegan pub and dive shop on the west coast as a retirement hobby!

The Stone Sky
21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act: Helping Canadians Make Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples a Reality
The Obelisk Gate
The Argonauts
The Selfish Gene
The Fifth Season
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
The Overstory